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Why Sellers Choose Trust Over Savings
Most sellers aren't primarily focused on finding the lowest commission; they're looking for an agent who minimizes risk. The possibility...
What Business Are You In?
Let’s rethink the question: What business are you genuinely in? If your answer is simply "selling houses," you’re only scratching the...
Power Up Your Prospecting Efforts
When your business is booming, and you're hitting your targets, it's easy to ease off the gas. But that's exactly when you should double...
Effective Presentation Techniques
Incorporating stories into your presentations is a powerful way to connect with your clients on a deeper level. Rather than just listing...
Benefits vs. Results
In real estate, the distinction between selling benefits and delivering results is subtle yet powerful. While benefits highlight the...
List to Last
The real estate industry is undergoing significant shifts, and the results of commission lawsuits are poised to have a substantial...
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