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You Can Be Good And Still Be Mediocre
Being good at something is no assurance that you’ll rise above mediocrity. It depends upon what you’re good at. You must want to be good...
What Do You Want?
If you want to achieve greatness, you have to know what you’re looking for. You won’t find it by wandering aimlessly though life waiting...
Success Starts In Your Mind
Remember that success in real estate sales starts in your mind. You will never achieve success until your mind is convinced that you are...
Who Are Your Friends?
I chose a circle of friends who would encourage me to goof off. I ran with a street gang, and so I acquired the self-image of a gang...
A Poem I Learned From Zig Ziglar
When I speak about making a commitment, I mean a full-hearted commitment. A full-hearted commitment is not the same thing as “giving it a...
Early Choices Don't Have to Bind You For Life.
OK, so you’ve made a lot of bad decisions early in life, and they’ve come back to haunt you. Don’t let them. Your early choices don’t...
Don't Run in the Wrong Direction Just Because You're Near the Finish Line
How many times do you finish something even though you wish you’d never started it? We clean our plates even if the carrots are...
Do Things In Order
If you were making a sandwich, you would do it in order. First a slice of bread, then the fillings and seasonings, then the other slice....
Resist The Urge To Be Average
Everywhere around you are average salespeople. They entice you into being more like them by offering their acceptance. They lead you to...
How To Change The World
What is the main difference between people who have confidence they will succeed and people who don’t? Is it that they live in...
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